02 Mar 2016
The Brazilian Policy Agendas Project is founded by “The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development” (CNPq), an agency of the “Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation” (MCTI), and by the "Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel” (CAPES), a public foundation of the “Ministry of Higher Education” (MEC).
Initially, the Brazilian Policy Agendas Project will focus on the last 12 years of democratic politics in the country (2003-2014), which involves Lula’s (2003-2006; 2007-2010) and Dilma’s (2011-2014) administrations. The project will collect three types of data: presidential speeches; laws approved by the national House of Representatives; media agenda (collected through the analysis of the front pages of a Brazilian newspaper). These documents will enable identification of the topics present in the presidential agenda, in the legislature and also on the media agenda. In future phases of the project, we will expand the data collection strategy, which will allow us to investigate changes in the Brazilian public agendas over several decades.