The Netherlands Agendas Project studies the policy outputs of the national government.
Principal Investigator: Arco Timmermans and Gerard Breeman
Location: Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Downloadable Data Series: 6
Time Span: 1945-2024
Total Observations: 72,062
Part of the project was financed by the PBL National Environmental Assessment Agency (former MNP) and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Breeman, G. and A. Timmermans (2012) Myths and milestones: the Europeanization of the legislative agenda in the Netherlands. In: Brouard, S., König, T., Olivier (Eds.). (Studies in Public Choice): The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures. The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries. New York: Springer. Read more