
Dr. Andrey Shadurskiy
Institution(s): Independent ResearcherPrevoiously Senior lecturer at the School of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University, followed by the positions of Senior Researcher at the University of Lausanne and Guest Researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Andrey is now working as an independent researcher, specialising in energy policy and sustainability.

Dr. Olga Litvyak
Title: Principal InvestigatorInstitution(s): University for Continuing Education Krems
Olga Litvyak is a Researcher at the Center for E-Governance, Department for E-Governance and Administration at the University for Continuing Education Krems.
After graduating from the St. Petersburg State University with a diploma degree in German language and literature, Olga studied political science at the European University at St. Petersburg (MA 2010) and political science and public administration at the University of Konstanz (MA 2014). In July 2019, Olga defended her PhD thesis "Explaining framing strategies in national election campaigns in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands (2009-2017)" exploring issue engagement and framing for the issues of energy and migration written within a SNSF-funded project "Party strategies and the dynamics of electoral competition in multiparty democracies" headed by professor Anke Tresch at the Institute for Political Studies, University of Lausanne. From 2019 to 2023 Olga was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna.
Olga's research focuses on the comparative analysis of election campaigns and political communication, in particular framing, sustainability, and digitalisation.
Olga has been involved in the Comparative Agendas Project since 2015