Datasets are arranged by type and project. Click on a dataset name to expand its description (including date range) as well as to download a .csv of current data and a .pdf codebook that documents included variables. For information on how to cite this data please visit our how to cite page. Note that we uploaded simple datasets that are used in the Trend-tools, only containing, id, year, majorcode and subcode. Full details, such as text and other information and variables are available through the download only data files.
Political Parties
Party manifestoes 1982-2012
Party manifestoes. All manifestoes of nearly all political parties between 1982 and 2012 are included. A party manifesto highlights the main policy plans for the election to come. Each paragraph is an observation. PI investigator of this dataset: Simon Otjes (Leiden University)
45512 observations spanning the years 1982 to 2012
Note: in the Trend Tools application on the website, the topic attention gives the aggregated attention per topic of all political parties together. The dataset file "Party manifestoes 1982-2012 (download only)" gives the option to study attention per political party.
45512 observations spanning the years 1982 to 2012
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Party manifestoes 1982-2012 (download only)
Party manifestoes. All manifestoes of nearly all political parties between 1982 and 2012 are included. A party manifesto highlights the main policy plans for the election to come. Each paragraph is an observation. PI investigator of this dataset: Simon Otjes (Leiden University)
45512 observations spanning the years 1982 to 2012
Note: the "coding description" file describes the specific coding methods.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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