
In Denmark, the political season does not follow the calendar year. The parliament is in session from the first Wednesday of October until the start of July. Political activities in parliament therefore follow the parliamentary year more than the calendar year. Each activity is coded with regard to the parliamentary year in which the activity took place. In addition to the id-number of the parliamentary year (starting from 0 in 1953), a calendar year is also provided for each activity, and it refers to the year in which the parliamentary year starts. Hence, this year can easily be different from the actual date in which the activity took place – which is also provided in the data set (named “date_of_activity”). This is the case if the activity took place in the second half of the parliamentary year.

In order to adhere to the political cycle, we advise researchers to use the parliamentary year as the unit of analysis.

Please also notice that some of the secondary variables may not be coded for the data after 2006. 

Due to GDPR-legislation, we do not upload any names on who asks a question. 

In addition to codebooks, the Danish project has some data reports. One covers all parliamentary activities (bills, interpellations, questions, accounts, motions) with an update to include details related to the post 2003-2004 updates and the Master CAP codebook, one covers PM speeches and party manifestos, and one that covers the media. For the most recent data update, please see this report.

For an introduction to the Danish Agenda-Setting Data Set please see the chapter by Green-Pedersen and Mortensen in the book: Comparative Policy Agendas: Theory, Tools, Data, Frank R. Baumgartner, Christian Breunig, and Emiliano Grossman, eds. Oxford University Press, 2019.

A codebook for the old Danish content codes (for older data) can be found here

download master topics codebook