Budget Research and Resources
These pages highlight the main issues concerning the study of budgetary outcomes across countries over time. First, a brief glossary of budgetary terminology is provided. Second, the challenges of comparing budgetary outcomes across time and space is discussed. Third, budgetary data sources provided by international, national, and research institutions are listed and described.
- Budget glossary
- Provides general definitions of budget terminology.
- Challenges in budget reseach
- Summarizes the main issues scholars face in comparing budgetary ourcomes across time and space.
- Budget data sources
- Highlights budget data sources such as the Degrees of Democracy project in Canada.
In addition to these resources, we will periodically post articles on current issues in budget research here. Contact the author for more information.
- This article examines the relationship between public preferences and budgetary policy to assess the relative responsiveness of the public and legislature.
Opinion Representation and Policy Feedback: Canada in Comparative Perspective(2005). Canadian Journal of Political Science, 37(3), 531-559.
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- This paper introduces a new mode of budget measurement for the UK and compares this new method with the two other currently available budget measures.
Public expenditure in the UK: how measures matter. Stuart N. Soroka, Chirstophwer Wlezien, and Iain McLean. J.R Statist. Soc. (2006). 169, Part 2, 255-271.
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- This article explores the dynamic interaction between preference and institutional-based friction, on the one hand, and collective urgency, on the other within a comparative perspective.
Are Political Systems Poised between the "Order" of Friction and the "Chaos" of Urgency? Public Budgeting in Comparative Perspective. Bryan D. Jones, Frank R. Baumgartner, Christian Breunig, James A. Stimson, Martial Foucault, Abel François, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Peter John, Peter B. Mortensen, Scott Robinso, Stuart Soroka, Frédéric Varone, Stefaan Walgrave, and Chris Wlezien.
Abstract | Paper | Related Data: Contact
- Using examples from the German Federal Budget, this paper reviews distributional approaches to studying budgets.
Breunig, Christian (2003). Assessing the German Federal Budget with Distributional Methods.
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The content of these pages was put together by Christian Breunig while at the University of Washington.