Budget Data Resources

The following is a list of useful web resources for the budgetary scholar. This list is not comprehensive and if you don't see an important site here that should be included, please contact policyagendas@gmail.com.

  • International Organizations

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: This site concentrates on public sector budgeting and accounting issues. It assesses and supports member's budget practices and procedures. They also have a list of links to websites of finance ministries. 

World Bank/OECD: The site presents and discusses the results of the survey on Budget Practices and Procedures. 

IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook:The yearbook lists government expenditures in nine categories for most OECD countries. Data collection starts in 1973.

European Union's Budget Activities and Finance Activities: The sites provide detailed documentation and data about the European Union's budget and political processes.

  • Individual Countries

Individual country websites provide a wealth of information about the budgetary process and some offer downloadable versions of recent budgets. When available, links to the budget division within ministries are provided.

Australian Government's Department of Finance and Administration

Canadian Department of Finance

Danish Finance Ministry

Dutch Ministry of Finance

Finnish Ministry of Finance

French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry (MINEFI)

German Ministry of Finance

Icelandic Ministry of Finance

Irish Department of Finance

Italian Ministry of Finance

Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOFO)

New Zealand's Treasury Department

Norwegian Ministry of Finance

Spanish Treasury Department

Swedish Ministry of Finance

Swiss Finance Department

United Kingdom's Treasury Department

United States' Office of Management and Budget


  • Research Programs

Degrees of Democracy

U.K. government expenditure data is available thru this project directed by Soroka and Wlezien.

James True's U.S. Federal Budget Dataset

Jim True's documentation of the creation and organization of the U.S. federal budget dataset, including both Budget Authority and Outlays data.