
Institutional Issue Proclivity in the EU
In an article forthcoming in the Journal of European Public Policy, Petya Alexandrova develops the notion of institutional issue proclivity. Macropolitical institutional venues deal with a large scope of policy areas but, due to cognitive and institutional constraints, process... Read more

Agenda Responsiveness in the European Council
In an article in West European Politics, Petya Alexandrova, Anne Rasmussen and Dimiter Toshkov explores the synchronic and diachronic associations between what citizens in the EU consider to be the most important problems and the political attention devoted to these issues in the... Read more

Agenda Formation Perspective on the European Council
In an article in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Marcello Carammia, Sebastiaan Princen and Arco Timmermans review the key role of the European Council in the EU's institutional architecture. They argue that an analysis of agenda formation dynamics in the European Council... Read more

Political Attention and Issue Character
In an article in European Political Science Review, Petya Alexandrova uses the notion of issue character to explain attention allocation in the European Council. Policy issues compete for the attention of political actors, and the size of the agenda an issue can occupy is largely... Read more
National Interest vs the Common Good in the EU
In an article in the European Journal of Political Research, Petya Alexandrova and Arco Timmermans review the role of the rotating country Presidency (until 2010) for the agenda of the European Council. For the Presidency, preparing the agenda of European Council meetings... Read more