The European Council Conclusions dataset includes all conclusions issued by the European Council since its first meeting in 1975. The initial dataset covered the period 1975-2012, and was later expanded to the end of 2014.
All documents are coded for policy content using the EU Policy Agendas Project codebook at the quasi-sentence level. The dataset encompasses conclusions, declarations and some other files but for the sake of simplicity we refer to all documents as conclusions.
Project coordinator: Petya Alexandrova
Project members: Marcello Carammia, Sebastiaan Princen and Arco Timmermans
For citations to the dataset and a detailed explanation of its features and potential applications, use the following reference: Alexandrova, Petya, Marcello Carammia, Sebastiaan Princen, and Arco Timmermans (2014). Measuring the European Council Agenda: Introducing a New Approach and Dataset. Forthcoming in European Union Politics 15(1): 152-167. If you decide to use the dataset in your research, we would be happy to hear about that.
48321 observations spanning
the years 1975
to 2014
download codebook