Explore Policy Trends
The Polish CAP Project was founded in 2020 by Anna Sroka (University of Warsaw), Dariusz Stolicki (Jagiellonian University) and Lukasz Wordliczek (Jagiellonian University).
All datasets were collected by the Jagiellonian Center for Quantitative Political Science (Centrum Badań Ilościowych nad Polityką, CBIP).
Principal Investigator: Lukasz Wordliczek
Location: Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Sponsoring Institutions
The Poland CAP has been supported by the Jagiellonian University Excellence Program, DigiWorld Priority Research Area and QuantPol project, and the Polish Ministry of Science grant no. 0395/DLG/2018/10.
CAP Polish Project
Featured Research:Between incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium: the case of budget in Poland
Łukasz Wordliczek, Between incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium: the case of budget in Poland, 1995–2018. „Central European Journal of Public Policy", Vol. 15, Nr 2, 2021, ss. 14-30 Incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium theory (PET) have secured their standing in public policy research when studying change in budgetary data. On the other hand, however, new empirical evidence is constantly developed to confront it with theoretical assumptions. In line... Read more