Explore Policy Trends

The Pennsylvania Policy Database Project is a free, online resource that provides access to more than 220,000 state and news media records and enables users to trace and analyze with a few clicks the history of public policy in the Commonwealth since 1979. Designed for easy use by educators, students, researchers, policy makers, news reporters, and the general public, it is the first comprehensive state policy database of its kind.



Principal Investigator: Dr. Joseph McLaughlin
Location: Institute for Public Affairs at Temple University
Email: papolicy@temple.edu
Downloadable Data Series:  6
Time Span:  1979-2019
Total Observations:  189,149

Sponsoring Institutions

The project was built by faculty-supervised students at Temple University and five other universities with the support and cooperation of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Also participating were students and faculty members at Pennsylvania State University, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Policy Database Project

Featured Research:
Agenda instability in Pennsylvania politics: Lessons for future replication

Daniel J  Mallinson, Stockton University  -  Research on agenda-setting dynamics in American politics has a rich and deep history. Recent efforts to extend this work into other countries provides a comparative perspective on how differing institutional designs shape attention allocation and punctuated equilibrium. This comparison is not only possible cross-nationally, but also between the American states. Using an untapped resource—the... Read more