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The Belgian agenda-setting project collected issue attention data from different institutions and actors over a period of more than ten years.



Principal Investigator: Stefaan Walgrave
Location: Department of Political Science, Sint-Jacobstraat 2, 2000 Antwerp
Email: stefaan.walgrave@uantwerpen.be
Downloadable Data Series:  7
Time Span:  1977-2022
Total Observations:  413,321

Sponsoring Institutions

Funding for the Belgian agenda-setting project came from the European Science Foundation (grant number: 07-ECRP-008), from the Flemish National Science Foundation (grant number: G.0117.11N)  the Belgian Federal Science Policy (grant number: IUAP P7/46), and the TOP BOF University of Antwerp Grant (grant number FFB210426).

Belgian agenda-setting project

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