Explore Policy Trends

The Irish Policy Agendas Project has collected data on political parties (1981-2020), legislative bills (1922-2021), and from 1998, the North-South Ministerial Council and the British-Irish Council.

It has also developed a policy agendas project for Northern Ireland, collecting data on political parties (2016-2022) and legislative bills (1999-2022).

The project was initiated by Conor Little and Christoffer Green-Pedersen.

Principal Investigator: Conor Little (University of Limerick) and Christoffer Green-Pedersen (Aarhus University)
Location: Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick
Email: conor.little@ul.ie
Downloadable Data Series:  2
Time Span:  1922-2021
Total Observations:  71,818

Sponsoring Institutions

Irish Research Council New Foundations 2022: Shared Island strand

Irish Research Council New Foundations 2019: Knowledge Exchange for Policy Impact

Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Funding, University of Limerick

Irish Policy Agendas Project

Featured Research:
Is Left-Right Conflict a Necessary Condition for the Development of New Politics

Green-Pedersen, C., & Little, C. (2023). Understanding the Conflict of Conflicts: Is Left-Right Conflict a Necessary Condition for the Development of New Politics? Political Studies.  Abstract: One of the most significant changes in West European politics in the past 40 years is the emergence of the new cultural divide. However, there is substantial variation in how the issues comprising this new divide have manifested themselves in party systems. This... Read more