
Chae Won Lim
Title: Professor, Funding Manager (SK CAP)Institution(s): Kyung Hee University
Chae Won Lim is Professor and Director of Global Agenda Center at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. His research focuses on cultivating evidence-based and practice-driven South Korean policy agendas and descriptive documentation of political protests and upheavals in a comparative context within the realm of human rights and peace studies.

Hyunki Shin
Title: Assistant ProfessorInstitution(s): The Catholic University of Korea
Hyunki Shin is Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the Catholic University of Korea. A public administration scholar by training (obtained his PhD from Seoul National University), his research focuses on comparison of different presidencies, bureaucracy, media policies, and public relations related to promoting public policies. His articles were published in both domestic and international journals (e.g. Korea Observer and International Review of Public Administration).

Jae-Wan Lee
Title: Assistant Professor, Analytics Advisor (SK CAP)Institution(s): Hoseo University
Jae-Wan Lee is Assistant Professor of Law, Policy Study, and Public Administration in Hoseo University, South Korea. A public administration scholar and quantitative methodologist by training (obtained his PhD from Seoul National University), he oversees especially methodological details of the South Korean policy database project. His main research topics include managerial aspects of public administration, information policies (special foci given to academic debates related to government information disclosure), and policy evaluation.

Jungho Park
Title: Assistant ProfessorInstitution(s): Keimyung University
Jungho Park is Assistant Professor in Keimyung University. He obtained his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh and his research focuses on HRM-related public policies and data-based analysis of how citizen trust in government has changed over time.

Hye Jin Kang
Title: Postdoctoral Researcher, Coding Manager (SK CAP)Institution(s): Seoul National University
Hye Jin Kang is a postdoctoral researcher at Research Center for National Leadership in Seoul National University. She is a political scientist and public administration scholar by training (obtained her BA in Political Science and MA as well as PhD in Public Administration, all of them from Seoul National University), and she is primarily in charge of the South Korean CAP project as the coding manager. Besides her commitment to the South Korean CAP, her research focuses on political appointments, presidential agenda-setting, policy leadership of government ministers, and budgetary politics.