Datasets are arranged by type. Click on a dataset name to expand its description (including date range) as well as to download a .csv of current data and a .pdf codebook that documents included variables. For information on how to cite this data please visit our how to cite page.
Parliamentary & Legislative
Bills (1990-2022)
This dataset will contain information about each bill introduced since 1990. The source is a brief listing from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( and the database of the Library of the Hungarian National Assembly, and each entry corresponds to a public law.
8220 observations spanning
the years 1990
to 2022
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Interpellations in the Hungarian National Assembly (1867-2022)
The Interpellations (1867-2022) dataset contains information about each interpellation introduced since 1867. The brief list of sourses is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( and the Library of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The presentation of the interpellation by the MP is followed by the ministerial response, and the reply of MP. The plenary session vote whether to accept the ministerial answer or, alternatively, redirect the question to a committee for further examination. Interpellations and their text must be submitted days before presentation.14614 observations spanning the years 1867 to 2022
14614 observations spanning
the years 1867
to 2022
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Laws adopted by the National Assembly (1222-2022) and decree laws (1949-1989)
This dataset will contain information about each public law passed since 1222 and each decree laws adopted from 1949 to 1990. The source is a brief listing from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly (, the official website of the Library of Hungarian National Assembly (, the Wolters Kluver legal database 'Laws of a Millenium' (, the CompLex legal database ( and the OptiJus legal database (, and each entry correspond to a public law. This dataset also contains information about each decree law passed between 1949 and 1989. The decree law was a complementary instrument of the Hungarian communist legal system to laws. It was adopted by the Presidential Council of the People’s Republic during periods when the National Assembly was not holding sessions. It was equal to laws in every sense, they could mutually modify each other. When the National Assembly met again, it had the right to veto any decree law issued since its last session.
We have coded each entry by policy content, along with other variables of interest. We employed the standard Policy Agendas Project topic scheme in our policy content coding, and each entry was assigned one and only one content code. This allows researchers to trace activity on a particular topic across the period. The full description of our content categories may be found in the major topics codebook at This Codebook is a modified version of the pertaining U.S. Policy Agendas codebook. We acknowledge the rights of the original publishers and express our gratitude for the permission to use their version as a starting point.
14606 observations spanning the years 1222 to 2022
14606 observations spanning
the years 1222
to 2022
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Oral Questions in the Hungarian National Assembly (1971-2022)
The Oral Questions (1971-2022) dataset contains information about each oral parliamentary question ("szóbeli kérdés") introduced since 1971. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( Oral questions are the simplest form of parliamentary questions in Hungary. MPs pose a short question with a speech to a member of government, who answers it without further debates or motions. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the oral question (complete_title), the name of the representative who gives the initial oral presentation of the oral question in parliament (introducer), the name of the minister addressed by the oral question (respondent), the date when the oral question was introduced (date_introduced) and the policy topic of the oral question (majortopic and subtopic). 6012 observations spanning the years 1971 to 2022
6012 observations spanning
the years 1973
to 2022
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Post-Agenda Speeches (1949-2022)
The Post-Agenda Speeches (1949-2022) dataset contains information about each post-agenda speeches ("napirend utáni felszólalás") presented since 1994. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( Post-agenda speeches are favoured by backbencher MPs for agenda-setting. They hold a speech on a topic freely chosen by them, and other MPs or ministers generally have the right to react them. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the post-agenda speech (complete_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the post-agenda speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic). 3787 observations spanning the years 1949 to 2022
3787 observations spanning
the years 1967
to 2022
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Pre-Agenda Speeches (1949-2022)
The Pre-Agenda Speeches (1949-2022) dataset contains information about each pre-agenda speeches ("napirend elÅ‘tti felszólalás") presented since 1949. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( Pre-agenda speeches are used as an effective tool by frontbencher MPs and ministers for agenda-setting. They hold a speech on a topic freely chosen by them, and other MPs or ministers generally have the right to react them. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the pre-agenda speech (complete_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the pre-agenda speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the pre-agenda speech (majortopic). 8072 observations spanning the years 1949 to 2022
8072 observations spanning
the years 1950
to 2022
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Protocol of the National Assembly (1990-1994)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (1990-1994) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 1990-1994 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
81638 observations spanning
the years 1990
to 1994
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Protocol of the National Assembly (1994-1998)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (1994-1998) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 1994-1998 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
72148 observations spanning
the years 1994
to 1998
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Protocol of the National Assembly (1998-2002)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (1998-2002) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 1998-2002 agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
66582 observations spanning
the years 1998
to 2002
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Protocol of the National Assembly (2002-2006)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (2002-2006) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 2002-2006 agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
78540 observations spanning
the years 2002
to 2006
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Protocol of the National Assembly (2006-2010)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (2006-2010) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 2006-2010 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
63095 observations spanning
the years 2006
to 2010
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Protocol of the National Assembly (2010-2014)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (2010-2014) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 2010-2014 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
98715 observations spanning
the years 2010
to 2014
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Protocol of the National Assembly (2014-2018)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (2014-2018) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 2014-2018 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
57866 observations spanning
the years 2014
to 2018
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Protocol of the National Assembly (2018-2022)
The Protocol of the Hungarian National Assembly (2018-2022) dataset contains information about each speechespresented in the Hungarian National Assembly between 2018-2022 by agenda item. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech’s agenda item (agenda_item_title), the name of the representative who gives the oral presentation (speaker), the date when the speech was presented (date_presented) and the policy topic of the post-agenda speech (majortopic and subtopic). 564655 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022.
46071 observations spanning
the years 2018
to 2022
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Resolutions of the National Assembly
This dataset will contain information about each esolution passed since 1990. The source is a brief listing from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly (, and from a a dataset given to us by colleagues in the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the resolution (complete_title), the name of the introducer (introducer), the date when the resolution was introduced (date_introduced) and the policy topic of the resolution (majortopic). 2882 observations spanning the years 1990 to 2022
2882 observations spanning
the years 1990
to 2022
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Urgent Questions in the Hungarian National Assembly (1994-2022)
The Urgent Questions (1994-2022) dataset contains information about each urgent parliamentary question ("azonnali kérdés") introduced since 1994. The brief list of sources is from the official website of the Hungarian National Assembly ( Urgent questions are introduced by the leaders of parliamentary groups (but are presented by MPs). MPs have 60 minutes per week to ask urgent questions, and each parliamentary group has right to present at least one urgent question a week. Urgent questions can be introduced until 60 minutes before the beginning of the session. Introducers must identify the topic of their urgent question, but a written submission is not required. In the debate of an urgent question ministers also have the right to reply to the MP's reply. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the urgent question (complete_title), the name of the representative who gives the initial oral presentation of the urgent question in parliament (introducer), the name of the minister addressed by the urgent question (respondent), the date when the urgent question was introduced (date_introduced) and the policy topic of the urgent question (majortopic and subtopic). 7084 observations spanning the years 1994 to 2022
7084 observations spanning
the years 1994
to 2022
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Prime Minister & Executive
Decrees of Hungarian Executive (1990-2018)
This dataset contains information about each executive decree published between 1990 and 2018. The source is a brief listing from the official website of the Hungarian Official Journal (
We have coded each entry by policy content, along with other variables of interest. We employed the standard Policy Agendas Project topic scheme in our policy content coding, and each entry was assigned one and only one content code. The full description of our content categories may be found in the major topics codebook at
24913 observations spanning
the years 1990
to 2018
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Non-Parliamentary Speeches of Hungarian Prime Ministers (2010-2018)
This dataset contains information about the non-parliamentary speeches of Hungarian Prime Ministers between 2010 and 2018.
The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech (complete_title), the policy topic of each sentence (major topic and policy content) and the name of the Prime Minister (prime minister).
54395 observations spanning
the years 2010
to 2018
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Parliamentary Speeches of Hungarian Prime Ministers (2010-2018)
This dataset contains information about the parliamentary speeches of Hungarian Prime Ministers between 2010 and 2018.
The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech (complete_title), the policy topic of each sentence (major topic and policy content) and the name of the Prime Minister (prime minister).
4722 observations spanning
the years 2010
to 2017
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Prime Minister's Radio Interviews (Kossuth Radio, 2020-2021)
Prime Minister's interviews on the Kossuth Radio programme "Good Morning, Hungary!" (2020-2021) dataset contains information about the Hungarian Prime Minister’s interviews at Kossuth Radio's weekly morning show (“Good Morning Hungary!”) between 2020 and 2021. The database includes the following main variables: the title of the speech (complete_title), the policy topic of each sentence (major topic and policy content) and the name of the Prime Minister (prime minister).
9644 observations spanning
the years 2020
to 2021
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Speeches of Hungarian President (2012-2018)
This dataset contains information about the speeches of the Hungarian President of the Republic. The dataset collects each parliamentary and non-parliamentary speech of the Hungarian President of the Republic between 2012 and 2018.
12388 observations spanning
the years 2012
to 2018
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