Data sets are arranged by type. Click on a dataset name to expand its description (including date range) as well as to download a .csv of current data and a .pdf code book that documents included variables.
Please cite the data as: Christian Breunig, Benjamin Guinaudeau and Tinette Schnatterer. 2021. Policy agendas in Germany – database and descriptive insights. The Journal of Legislative Studies.
The party manifestos data was coded by Christoffer Green-Pedersen and Isabelle Guinaudeau. When using the German manifesto data, please add the following citation:Isabelle Guinaudeau. 2015. Documentation on the Coding of German Manifestos. Unpublished - Sciences Po Bordeaux.
The data appear in August 2019.
Parliamentary & Legislative
The bill database comprises all bill proposals, which were introduced to parliament between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005). Adopted bills are also be found in the law database.
5787 observations spanning
the years 1976
to 2005
The bill database comprises all bill proposals, which were introduced between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005). Adopted bills are also be found in the law database.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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Parliamentary questions (minor and major interpellations) are formal request of parliament or parliamentarians to the government. Typically, opposition parties and its parliamentary members field the majority of questions. We coded each minor and major interpellation that was asked between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005).
10033 observations spanning
the years 1977
to 2005
Parliamentary questions (minor and major interpellations) are formal request of parliament or parliamentarians to the government. Typically, opposition parties and its parliamentary members field the majority of questions. We coded each minor and major interpellation that was asked between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005).
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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The Law database includes all laws passed by the Bundestag between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005). Any bill that was not adopted can be found in the bill database.
3137 observations spanning
the years 1976
to 2005
The Law database includes all laws passed by the Bundestag between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005). Any bill that was not adopted can be found in the bill database.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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Prime Minister & Executive
Government Speeches
Government speeches constitute a non-codified but regularly employed tool at the German government's disposal for explaining its political principles and past actions as well as emphasizing its legislative intentions.
For this database, we only considered major speeches given by the chancellor. If several government speeches were held by the chancellor the same year, the most important speech was identified. Speeches covering several topics were privileged over single issue speeches and longer speeches over shorter ones. We split each speech into quasi-sentences and then coded each quasi-sentence thematically. The data covers all speeches held between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005).
Sentences, which do not include any policy content, were coded 99.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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Government speeches
Government speeches constitute a non-codified but regularly employed tool at the German government's disposal for explaining its political principles and past actions as well as emphasizing its legislative intentions.
For this database, we only considered major speeches given by the chancellor. If several government speeches where held by the chancellor the same year, the most important speech was identified. Speeches covering several topics were privileged over single issue speeches and longer speeches over shorter ones. We split each speech into quasi-sentences and then coded each quasi-sentence thematically. The data covers all speeches held between the 8th and 15th legislative periods (1976-2005).
Sentences, which do not include any policy content, were coded 99.
13566 observations spanning
the years 1976
to 2005
Political Parties
Party Manifestos
The Manifesto database includes the topic and subtopic for each sentence in a party platform of the major German parties from 1949 to 2013.
Please cite the Manifesto database as follows: Isabelle Guinaudeau. 2015. Documentation on the Coding of German Manifestos. Unpublished - Sciences Po Bordeaux.
53887 observations spanning
the years 1949
to 2013
Party Manifestos
The Manifesto database includes the topic and subtopic for each sentence in a party platform of the major German parties from 1949 to 2013.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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Public Opinion & Interest Groups
Public opinion about the ‘most important problem facing the country'
The Most-Important-Problem (MIP) database gathers responses to the opened-question: "According to you, what is the most important problem in Germany at the moment?" Each answer was attributed to a specific CAP-subtopic. The data is aggregated at the subtopic and survey level. For each survey between 1976 and 2005, the database includes the absolute number of respondents mentioning a particular topic, the size of the surveyed sample and the corresponding share of respondents identifying the subtopic as their most important problem.
Most data stem from Politbarometer available at the research data center of GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, but other sources of data have also been used. The following table lists all surveys beside Politbarometer used for the MIP database. Please consult the pdf about data and coding details.
1168 observations spanning
the years 1976
to 2005
Public opinion about the ‘most important problem facing the country'
The Most-Important-Problem (MIP) database gathers responses to the opened-question: "According to you, what is the most important problem in Germany at the moment?" Each answer was attributed to a specific CAP-subtopic. The data is aggregated at the subtopic and survey level.
For each survey between 1976 and 2005, the database includes the absolute number of respondents mentioning a particular topic, the size of the surveyed sample and the corresponding share of respondents identifying the subtopic as their most important problem.Most data stem from Politbarometer available at the research data center of GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, but other sources of data have also been used. The following table lists all surveys beside Politbarometer used for the MIP database.
Please consult the code book for details.
This dataset is not available in the trends tool.
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