Datasets are arranged by type. Click on a dataset name to expand its description (including date range) as well as to download a .csv of current data and a .pdf codebook that documents included variables. For information on how to cite this data please visit our how to cite page.
Newspaper De Standaard
This dataset contains data from newspaper De Standaard from 1999 to 2008. CAP topic codes have been manually coded. Krippendorf’s alpha reliability estimates are given at the end of the document. The data between January 1999 and February 2004 include newspaper articles from the front page of De Standaard only. The data between March 2004 and December 2008 include newspaper articles from the first three pages of De Standaard. This is done because the newspaper changed its format in March 2004, limiting the amount of articles on the front page to only one or two.
20963 observations spanning
the years 1999
to 2008
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Television News
The television data contain news items from two broadcasters: VRT (the public broadcaster) and VTM (the commercial broadcaster). The data range from 6 December 2000 to 12 January 2008. Every news item is coded based upon one sentence that summarizes the news item. Coders have thus not watched the news broadcasts themselves – codes are based on the brief summary of the item only.
135582 observations spanning
the years 2000
to 2009
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Parliamentary & Legislative
This dataset contains all bills introduced in the period between January 1988 and May 2010. CAP topic codes have been automatically coded, based on a conversion of the EUROVOC-code of the bill into the appropriate CAP code. The European EUROVOC-thesaurus consists of 6,797 words and EUROVOC-codes have been assigned to each bill by the administration of the Parliament. The file contains only those bills that are discussed in the federal House of Representatives (Senate not included).
15682 observations spanning
the years 1988
to 2022
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Oral questions and interpellations
The data contains the oral parliamentary questions and interpellations from 5 October 1988 to 21 April 2010, asked in the plenary meeting (= “plenaire vergadering”) or in one of the committee meetings. CAP topic codes have been automatically coded, based on a conversion of the EUROVOC-code of the question/interpellation into the appropriate CAP code. The European EUROVOC-thesaurus consists of 6797 words and EUROVOC-codes are assigned to each question/interpellation by the administration of the Parliament.
48381 observations spanning
the years 1988
to 2010
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Prime Minister & Executive
Government Agreements
This dataset contains most available government agreements from 1978 until 2008. Agreements were coded by hand at the lowest – quasi-sentence – level. Hence, some sentences have been split into several sub-items. Once split, all quasi-sentences were coded in response to the question ‘which issue is this argument emphasizing?’ Each quasi-sentence was then coded on its issue content using the comparative agendas codebook.
12936 observations spanning
the years 1979
to 2008
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State of the Union Speeches
This dataset contains state of the unions (yearly government speeches) from 1993 until 2009. State of the unions were coded by hand at the lowest – quasi-sentence – level. Hence, some sentences have been split into several sub-items. Once split, all quasi-sentences were coded in response to the question ‘which issue is this argument emphasizing?’ Each quasi-sentence was coded on its issue content using the comparative agendas codebook.
4783 observations spanning
the years 1993
to 2009
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Political Parties
Party Manifestos
This dataset contains most available party manifestos from 1977 until 2007. Manifestos were coded by hand at the lowest – quasi-sentence – level. Hence, some sentences have been split into several sub-items. Once split, all quasi-sentences were coded in response to the question ‘which issue is this argument emphasizing?’ Each quasi-sentence was then coded on its issue content using the comparative agendas codebook.
174994 observations spanning
the years 1977
to 2007
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