The Australian Policy Agendas Project collects and organizes data on Australian legislation, executive speeches, opposition questions, public opinion, media coverage, and High Court decisions. Some details are listed below. Data is forthcoming.
Decisions of the High Court of Australia
This dataset contains information on every case decided by the High Court of Australia between the years 1970 and 2015. Cases serve as the unit of analysis. Each case was coded in terms of its policy content and several other variables controlling for the nature of the case and the nature of the court. In coding for policy content, we utilized the Comparative Agendas Project’s topics coding scheme, where each case was assigned both a major topic and a sub topic depending on its policy content. A full description of these categories and their corresponding codes may be found in the codebook.
Sydney Morning Hearld - Front Page Articles
This dataset contains information on each article published on the Sydney Morning Herald's front page for each day from 1990 through 2015. Front page articles serve as the unit of analysis. Each article was coded in terms of its policy content and other variables of interest controlling for location, political context, and key actors. In coding for policy content, we utilized the Comparative Agendas Project’s major topics coding scheme, where each article was assigned a major topic code. A full description of the policy content categories and their corresponding codes may be found in the major topics codebook.
Opposition Questions
Parliamentary & Legislative
Governor-General Speeches