Datasets are arranged by type. Click on a dataset name to expand its description (including date range) as well as to download a .csv of current data and a .pdf codebook that documents included variables. For information on how to cite this data please visit our how to cite page.
All U.S. datasets include two sets of codes: U.S. Policy Agendas codes (PAP) and the international, Comparative Agendas Project codes (CAP). For analysis across projects and countries, we recommend the CAP codes.
Congressional Quarterly Almanac
New York Times Front Page
New York Times Index
New York Times Index Weights
Policy Frames Codebook
TV News Policy Agenda Data
Congressional Bills
Congressional Hearings
Congressional Research Service Reports
Public Law Titles
Public Laws
Roll Call Votes
Parliamentary & Legislative
Executive Orders
Presidential Veto Rhetoric
State of the Union Speeches
Prime Minister & Executive
Democratic Party Platform
Republican Party Platform
Political Parties
Supreme Court Cases
Budget Authority (Adjusted)
Budget Authority-Policy Crosswalk
Budget Outlays
Tax Expenditures
Encyclopedia of Associations
Gallup's Most Important Problem
Policy Moods